Why was 2021 the most dangerous year on record for road users?

Why was 2021 the most dangerous year on record for road users?
New data released by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has revealed that last year, cases of speeding, drug, drink, and dangerous driving reached record levels.

The MoJ report showed that 206 drug and drink driving offences are committed every day in England and Wales – a total of 75,159 offences.

Further analysis highlighted that convictions for drug driving have more than trebled over the past five years from 7,683 in 2017, to 27,962 by the end of 2021.

Worryingly, there has also been a 13% growth in drink driving cases in the past year, with 33,742 motorists appearing in court in 2021.

As a result of the increase, there has been a 7% rise in deaths as a result of inebriated drivers over the 12 month period. In total, 1,558 people were killed in collisions involving drink drivers.

The MoJ report proved that dangerous driving convictions have also been on the rise in recent years.

In fact, last year was the highest number on record since 2011, with 5,951 sentences given to offenders.

Furthermore, there was a 9% rise death by dangerous driving offences compared to the previous year.

Arrests and convictions for causing serious injury by dangerous driving have also continued to grow in recent years.

In 2013, there were 45 convictions. Last year, this increased to record levels of 604 offenders.

The report also revealed that careless driving prosecutions went up by 78%.

Following the release of the data, Chief Constable Jo Shiner, who leads on roads for the National Police Chiefs’ Council, said: “Since the introduction of roadside screening devices for drug driving in 2015 we have seen an increase in prosecutions for this offence.

“I am disappointed that people choose to do such a selfish and dangerous thing and I am determined that we will continue to arrest offenders for these crimes every day.

“Our policing goal remains to save lives and prevent harm by continuing to improve our national information, intelligence and professional knowledge around drink and drug driving and dangerous driving.

“Innocent people die on our roads every year due to the selfish actions of those who drive while intoxicated through either drink or drugs. The families and loved ones of those killed have no choice but to deal with the devastating consequences of such a tragic and avoidable death.”

And it isn’t just driving under the influence that has been on the rise in recent years – the number of people convicted of speeding is also growing.

In fact, convictions for speeding in England and Wales have risen by 75% over the past decade.

The number recorded in 2011 was 116,595 – which has now soared to 203,545 in 2021.

Another concerning statistic from the report has also shown that there has been an 84% rise in motorists failing to supply information to police when required over the past decade.

As a result, more than, 732,000 motorists have received fines or sentences as a result – an increase of almost a quarter from the previous year.

What do you make of the recent numbers? Have you noticed an increasing number of dangerous drivers when out on the roads? Leave your comments below.

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